Facebook Business Basics Crash Course 2 - SMARTNAIRA

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Wednesday 25 October 2017

Facebook Business Basics Crash Course 2

Facebook Business Basics Crash Course 2

It’s time for your second lesson in the Facebook Business Basics
Crash Course. I hope you found lesson one informative and that you
now have a good understanding of how Facebook statuses work to
your advantage. In this lesson we are going to talk about how you can
use Facebook to attract new customers.

Some business owners ask, why is it important to establish online
presence through social networking sites particularly Facebook even
when if you already have an official website?

Simple, because Facebook is more accessible and to most, more
user-friendly than any traditional website will ever be. It gives a sense of
friendliness to business that puts prospects at ease and lends a sense
of credibility to businesses who have no website to speak of.

Aside from this, a Facebook page allows a business to be more
interactive with present and potential customers, getting their feedback
for everything from product reviews to testimonials. While it may seem
scary because you can be given both positive and negative feedback,
businesses should not be afraid because with Facebook it can be
easily moderated.

If you have a mind to you can retain the best feedback and hide the
rest. This way, most potential customers will be able to read the
positive testimonials of previous customers. Such feedback adds a
touch of authenticity to your business, and can entice the potential
customer reading it.

Furthermore, customers who are tired of traditional online marketing
such as email, newsletters and online ads will look to the Facebook
page to have their questions answered. Having a Facebook page will
give your business access to over 500 Million users without even
having to buy e-mail addresses like what traditional email marketing
resort to.

Interaction isn't limited to Facebook updates and wall posts though.
You can also use Apps to provide photos, notes and videos. When
using a Fanpage which is the recommended page for businesses
(instead of the more personal profile page), you can change the posting
ability of fans which allow them to post photos, videos and links to the
page. This way, potential customers will be able to see how other
customers use the product or service.

Again, this can engage the community to be more interactive as was
successfully executed by the Pampers’ Facebook Fanpage. Other
companies like Ben & Jerry’s go as far as polling customers. This
gives customers a sense of power with regards to their products, which
in turn will give them a sense of ownership and acceptance.

Facebook is also a great tool to gain audience to promos, special
prices and discounts as in the case of the company rushIMPRINT, who
use their page to feature their products for sale.

The site easily leads back to their official website as well as their toll
free number. Some even use Facebook to give exclusive deals to their
customers. This is a good way to gauge the effectively of your page.
Various incentives can be given exclusively to Facebook users which
aren't accessible by those who follow you through e-mail, Twitter or your
official website.

Other companies such as Baskin Robbins develop and use a
Facebook application to make their Facebook page more interactive
and enticing to customers. Through their account, they’re giving out a
very enticing deal, a Buy One, get one promo that most enthusiasts will
not surpass.

Facebook is an easy tool to master and can add just the right sense of
fun, differentiating you and your business from the rest in the market.

That's it for today's lesson. In your next lesson we will be talking about
how to use Facebook to advertise your business without spamming.

Until then,

PS. Don't forget that if you have any questions or need any assistance
please feel free to contact me at anytime. I will be glad to help.

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